Monday, September 20, 2004

Sisters. . .

This morning I was thinking about my friend Trish Gaddess - and how we haven't been in touch in a long time. She and I went to Kindergarten together - which was 30 years ago. I love stories I hear about people that have had certain friends for years and years. Longevity of friendships - and marriages - seems to be a rarity these days.

Then I realized that I have a friend who's been my friend since I was 2 years old - my sister Julie. We are 21 months apart in age. She and I have shared everything - from the backyard swingset, to our matching clothes our mom made, from "dad-cut" bangs, to the errant hairstyles of the 80's (mine were definitely more errant).

We now share the experience of being a wife and mother of 2. That's the best - to look back at all we've lived through and where we are now. Thank God we still have each other. I'd be lost without her. We share a love for life, music, parenting, baking, certain reality TV shows that shall remain nameless - and most of all each other. If you see my sis, please tell her to move to Colorado - we've got living to do!!!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The Maiden Voyage

Well here goes. . . I've been blogging all my life - just not publicly. I should probably start with the name of the site. There's a verse in the Bible that says to "Flog a mocker." In college when someone was feeling mocked, they'd say, "flogamocker." As a joke - sometimes to get the mocker to quit.

So, "Blogamocker," just kind of rolled off the tip of my proverbial tongue when thinking of a blog name. I'm hoping to blog about many things, friendship, parenting, growing up, the daily news, and other obsessions of mine. We'll just have to see where this leads me.

Wont' you come along for the ride? Bookmark this page and check back - probably once a week.